Fit For Life

Welcome to the professional physical therapy clinic

Return To Work


About Return to work

Return to Work

Fit for Life’s Return to Work Program is a personalized and effective plan designed to assist individuals in their journey back to work. We understand that each person’s situation is unique, so our program is customized to address your specific condition and job requirements.



Our primary mission is to facilitate your swift return to work while also empowering you with self-management techniques for your condition. By providing you with the knowledge and understanding to manage your health, we aim to reduce the risk of reinjury and promote a successful transition back to your job.

Our Treatment

The Return to Work Program has three distinct elements:

1. New/Chronic Injuries and/or Surgery:

Using the mechanical assessment and management (McKenzie) principles, we conduct a comprehensive examination to identify the root cause of your discomfort. This evaluation focuses on how specific movements or positions impact your pain, enabling our therapists to determine the most effective treatment plan. You can typically expect to see progress and results after just one or two sessions, and our certified therapy experts will work with you to create an individualised program.

2. Functional Capacity Assessment (FCE)

In the context of workers’ compensation, the Functional Capacity Assessment (FCE) is a standardised set of tests used to evaluate your functional capabilities for a safe return to work. We employ the Fishbain RFC, a reliable and trusted assessment instrument, for this evaluation. The FCE consists of various physical tests, including pushing/pulling, balancing, lifting/carrying, and exercises that assess your fine motor abilities and overall endurance. Additionally, a mechanical test is performed to identify any untreated mechanical issues. Based on the results and questionnaires, our therapists will determine your work readiness or if you would benefit from a rehabilitation program.

3. Work Conditioning

Tailored to your specific needs and goals, the Work Conditioning program varies from 3 to 5 days per week and involves 2 to 6 hours per day of comprehensive training. This includes cardiovascular workouts and functional tasks aimed at strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and assisting you in resuming your work duties confidently.

Our goal is to provide you with the support and resources needed to facilitate a smooth and successful return to work. Join us in our Return to Work Program and get back on track towards a productive and fulfilling work life.